Julie Grahame, Photo Consultant

I was so thrilled to finally meet Julie Grahame, Photo Consultant who has helped me move this work in a controlled direction as it was seemingly spinning out of control when it first went viral. Now the work exists back in the physical world in print and in established galleries and art fairs. I can't thank her enough for the incredible work she has done not just for my practice but for the world of photography as a whole. 


I called Julie Grahame, Photo Consultant in a panic. Referred by the best people I know, Julie dove head first with me into the viral media blitz of my project "Removed." Together we navigated international media requests for print, online, and television use of my images. Organized, persistent, and with confidence, Julie represented not just the use of my work, but also the integrity and meaning of my personal vision so that the work did not fall to ill use. Coaching me along the way, Julie has taught me skills that I will forever use in my practice. Julie Grahame is joyfully stern, an awesome teammate, and makes a mean latte. You should work with her.

Source: www.juliegrahame.com